This time i would like to take the oportunity to talk about my favourite ever! BloodBorn! Its a game by FromSoftware that look and feels kinda like the Dark Souls series from the same studio, you still have all of your totally over powered enemies/mobs thats a standard in these type of games. But what makes this game different from the other games that uses this type of design in gameplay is that your character doesnt feel as stiff when moving around or in combat, it feels much more smooth and organic as you would expect. And with all the OP enemies/mobs you meet there really isnt a way to just powerhouse your way through them. Depending on your weapon of choice your playstyle is going to change based of your weapon. In BloodBorne they use what is called Trick Weapons, meele based weapons that transforms in various ways. They can either start off as short range sword style weapon or transform into a mid range whip weapon or as you see in the picture to the right my favourite weapon called the KIRKHAMMER, by default it is a big slow but powerfull hammer or you can detach the big square stone at the end and you have a smaller one handed sword that allows you to go into of a more lighweight attack style

And now for something that took me way to long to figure out! In the start of playing the game i felt like you didnt get too much of the story behind why the world had gone into this apocalyptic state that it is in. But if you take your time to actually read the item descriptions it wont take long untill things start to make sense! its all hidden there, in the item descriptions witch in my opinion made the game just even more interactive. Before i leave you with Jinx, remember this!

Fear the old Blood and may the good blood guide your way fellow Hunter